We have a class for your Daisies, Brownies or Juniors.

Booking Fee: $70/covers the 1 hour 30 minute class for the 1st 2 scouts. All remaining scouts will pay the day of the event.
Daisies – $35/Scout
Daisies will earn their Promise Center Badge. Each scout will paint a plate with the Scout Daisy and all the petals. They will learn what each petal represents while also learning the Girl Scout Promise. At the end of the class they will have earned their Promise center badge from their troop leader along with a Color Me Mine participation patch. MINIMUM OF 4 GIRLS!
Brownies – $35/Scout
Brownies will earn their Potters Badge by making pinch pots, coil pots and a trefoil slab project. Along with that they will paint a plate and learn about different types of ancient pottery, how glazes work and tour the kiln room. At the end they will have earned their Potters Badge from their troop leader along with a Color Me Mine participation patch. MINIMUM OF 4 GIRLS!
Junior Girl Scouts – $35/Scout
Junior Scouts will earn their Product Designer Badge by looking at different products. Discussing improvements and designer something better. They will paint a Ceramic Soda Can that will represent a product in a way that makes people want to buy it! At the end they will have earned their Product designer badge from their troop leader along with a Color Me Mine participation patch. MINIMUM OF 4 GIRLS!
Classes CAN NOT be combined. They will need to be booked separately. We can not do a Brownie class and a Daisy class simultaneously.